
The Law Office of Fred I. Waki

Civil Litigation, Family Law, Immigration, Debtor and Creditor, Real Estate

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Please visit for more information on the state's unemployment insurance division. The following is a brief summary of the main unemployment assistance being offered: 

Regular Unemployment Insurance (UI) Benefits Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) 
  • Up to 13 additional weeks of UI benefits of those who have exhausted their regular claim through 12/26/2020 
  • To apply, go to your unemployment account. Click on the PEUC button and answer 5 questions to determine your eligibility. 
  • When PEUC is exhausted, you may be eligible for Extended Benefits.
Extended Benefits (EB) 
  • Up to 13 additional weeks of UI benefits for those who have exhausted PEUC 
  • Does not "expire" on certain date and should extend into 2021, triggers off when unemployment rate falls
Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA
  • If you are not eligible for Regular Unemployment Insurance (UI) Benefits, you may be eligible for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA.)
  • Up to 46 weeks if all regular & extended benefits are exhausted
  • Apply on
  • Last payable week ending 12/26/2020 

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